Bring back GOOD weapons (Hawksaw from D1 pvp vendor, for instance) with good perks and an occasional perk rotation in the stuff they keep in stock. Honestly, a quest to earn the old IB gear/ornaments and all the lapsed destination armor and Crucible/Vanguard parts and ornaments and Gambit stuff as well would be great. Do you need the specific armor piece in your possession to unlock the ornament Or. There is not ONE armor set in D2 that I feel that way about.īring back cool Iron Banner, Crucible, and Vanguard armor sets. Ive got my IB gear in the vault since I accidentally deleted my chest piece. I was a die-hard New Monarchy guy from D1, never took that armor off. The current armor pieces for Warlocks, Hunters. Even the faction armor during year 1 (which was always my go-to gear in D1) was ugly and I didn't wear it. Destiny 2’s Iron Banner game mode is back, and Guardians can once again visit Lord Saladin in the Tower for its unique gear, but with a new twist. Xur consistently sells better iron banner gear than you can get from iron banner itself(get your snapshot bite of the fox at xur now More desirable then any IB weapon currently up for grabs) 5) Same old garbage match making complete with 1995 grade dial-up modem connections. I just hate the style they have gone with in most of the D2 armor design, from toilet bowl shoulders on Gambit armor, the inconsistent glow effects on the gambit prime armor, every D2 vanguard and crucible set being ugly as sin.I am just not sure what I am supposed to be excited about wearing. 4)An expensive focusing system for mediocre weapons nobody wants. All of the Iron Banner armor (and weapons while we're at it) have been very ugly. Other than possibly the Dreaming City armor, I am not sure there is a set of Titan armor in the game that I am crazy about. Today that stuff would be kept out of the raid and sold in eververse. I never actually earned that armor or those ornaments, but when I saw guardians wearing it in the Tower I was always blown away. I mean Solstice armor looks cool, but not as cool as the glowing armor from Crota (i think) in D1.

I think fashion as a whole has suffered in D2 when compared to D1. especially with bonds which are the most underwhelming of the 3 class items, and ALL of them are underwhelming. I agree 100% with your warlock armor feedback.